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Filestage is an online proofing platform that can be used by anyone who shares files for feedback and approval. Reviews can be made faster and easier for everyone involved from creatives and project managers to internal stakeholders and clients. Teams can share, discuss, and approve all their files, in a single place including documents, images, videos, websites, and audio files. You can stay organized by bringing your files, versions and feedback together in one place. You can control the quality of your work and rest assured that everything is accurate and compliant instead of stressing over sloppy mistakes as all your files go through a structured and documented review process with Filestage. Your stakeholders can tap to add comments and tag teammates after sharing a link to your files. Your review rounds can be speed up with automated file sharing, reminders, and status updates. So, you can get feedback and approval on time, every time instead of sending endless chaser emails.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Filestage, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Filestage alternatives.