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Findmyshift is an all-in-one event management software that helps create and share employee schedules anywhere, any time in any web browser. Drag & drop scheduling, unlimited employees, unlimited access, shift reminders, text messaging, reporting and more can be provided. You can create employee schedules, manage shift requests, track your labor costs and communicate with your employees with this employee scheduling software. You can compare the hours your employees are working against your schedule as you will be able to track it with our time clock application. A clear visibility of all of your schedules can be provided through one easy website. You can manage your employees from anywhere as everything you need to manage your employees is right here in your web browser. There is no need to install and nothing to download. It helps forecast your labor costs in real-time while you work on your schedule by combining the hours from your schedule (or timesheets) and the pay rates entered for your employee.

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