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Forest Metrix is designed for arborists, cities and tree care pros to conduct timber inventories. A highly customized user interface is combined with the computational power of the newly available tablets. Your volume graphs will grow as you enter trees, gradings, defects and even custom types of information that you can apply to the calculations as you like. The camera, Web, email, GPS, maps and all the other features are integrated in ths software. There is no need for internet connection or export to other device. Complete analysis are provided directly on your device. You can decide how you want to set up things as there is no need to change your product calls, length increments, species codes, optional tree and plot data. Your own custom reports and additional post-cruise analysis can be made by using the optional Excel Report Engine. High contrast layouts, large buttons and dynamic interfaces change are offered based on your cruise methods.

Number Of Employee

10-100 Employees

Legal Status of Company

Privately Held

Year of Establishment


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