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FreshCheq is a cloud based solution that helps improve operational processes with task management, audits, food waste logs, alerts/notifications, reporting, and more. Day to day operations can be simplified. Time and money can be saved with operating procedures such as store checklists, temp logs, food waste logs, audits, corrective actions, reporting and more. Employee workflow and accountability can be improved. There is no need of any expensive hardware. Actionable and immediate dashboard reporting can be provided at all levels of the organization from any smart device or computer. Digital Food Safety compliance can be made easy. Paper can be replaced and you can have better team accountability. Visibility can be gained into your restaurant. Employee turnover can be reduced and employee performance can be improved with gamification tools. You can immediately follow up with your staff with push notifications alert when your logs aren’t completed on time. Reports are provided in the morning to review your team’s performance from the day before.

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If you are in search of alternatives to FreshCheq, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top FreshCheq alternatives.