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Heimdal Patch & Asset Management is a Patch Management Software that enables you to deploy and update any Microsoft, Linux, 3rd party and proprietary software, from anywhere in the world and according to any schedule, with flawless data compliance and a full CVE/CVSS audit trail. You can deploy updates, patches, and legacy fixes on the go, conduct inventory reports, review versioning, force-update machines and secure your assets against all threats. Your vulnerability management can be automated. Your valuable time and resources can be saved with this patch management solution. The new patches are silently deployed to your endpoints based on your configured policies, without the need for manual input, reboots or user interruption, as soon as third party vendors release them. The Infinity Management add-on can also be used to deploy and patch any other custom application that supports silent installation commands. Data in-transit privacy can be ensured by HTTPS encapsulation. The resource becomes available for distribution and deployment once uploaded to the Heimdal cloud.

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