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As an Integrated Identity Platform, IDfy assists enterprises in eliminating fraud and establishing trust through technology-driven products and solutions for KYC, KYB, Background Verification, Risk Mitigation, Digital Onboarding, and Digital Privacy. With over 12 years of pioneering experience and conducting 2 million daily verifications, IDfy stands out for its robust, enterprise-grade technology. Their offerings include:

A comprehensive suite of over 140 APIs for document verification, merchant onboarding, risk assessment, and more.

A Video Solutions platform that facilitates user onboarding at any time and place, boasting 90% conversion rates and full compliance.

RiskAI, a due diligence tool designed to mitigate identity, reputation, operational, and credit risks.

IDfy360, a no-code platform enabling businesses to quickly launch customized onboarding workflows.

A SaaS-based Background Verification tool, noted for its industry-leading turnaround time and accuracy.

CrimeCheck, a legal history tool that reviews over 25 crore court cases across India, enhancing financial credit decision-making.

Number Of Employee

>100 Employees

Legal Status of Company

Privately Held

Year of Establishment


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If you are in search of alternatives to IDfy, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top IDfy alternatives.