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iGrafx is a Business Transformation Platform that can be used by medium and large organizations to drive operational excellence throughout the organization, guide process improvement projects to reduce cost, complexity, increase productivity, and improve the customer experience. The foundation can be provided for organizations looking for a holistic approach to quality risk management, compliance and governance. Companies will be able to meet the requirements of Sarbanes-Oxley, GDPR, HIPAA, ISO, as well as several healthcare, environmental and other regulations in a structured, controlled and secure way by using iGrafx. The platform necessary to discover and capture processes, deliver efficient quality management, as well as manage the inevitable and necessary ongoing process change can be delivered. The process landscape of organizations can be structured to pull together all required documentation and manage change effectively going forward in an audit resilient manner. The right process information at the right time can be provided to all Process Participants who must execute tasks repeatably and with high quality.

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