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Incapsula is a Load Balancing Software that can be used by businesses to manage global servers, detect power outages, distribute network traffic, and more. It can be used by anyone responsible for the security, performance and availability of a website or web application such as IT managers, development operations manager, CTO, and more. Organizations will be able to replace their costly appliances with an enterprise grade cloud based solution. The functionality required to support a single data center with multiple servers, site failover for DR scenarios and Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) can be offered by Incapsulas Load Balancing service which is based on a global CDN. Security point products can be consolidated for detection, investigation, and management under one platform. Insider threat management can be automated. Clear visibility across your data environment can be provided so that you can see results, their importance, and next steps. Data access can be identified as automation combines known attacker techniques with machine learning.

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