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Infor CloudSuite PLM is a product lifecycle management (PLM) software that is flexible and preconfigured to meet the needs of your business. Data across a manufacturer's enterprise are leveraged to foster better decision making, from development and design to management and production. It can be integrated with your enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to provide real-time, actionable data and help optimize every step of the product lifecycle. Relevant and meaningful insights can be delivered for everybody from the boardroom to the shop floor. Business intelligence and analytics can be made easy to consume with pre-built industry and role-specific content and metrics embedded wherever business users need information. The advantage of industry and role-specific data models and analytics can be taken. It support centralized and decentralized teams with governance. All styles of business analytics from reports to data discovery can be utilized. Analytics can be shared with customers, partners and suppliers. A flexible and business-centric approach can be experienced to managing data.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Infor CloudSuite PLM, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Infor CloudSuite PLM alternatives.