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Innoslate is an Enterprise Architecture Software that can be used by organizations to develop and manage complex products and systems in an easy to use platform. A full lifecycle software can be offered for model based systems engineering, requirements management, verification and validation, DoDAF with a powerful ontology at its core. System or product development can be simplified while time-to-market, cost, and risk can be reduced with this cloud or on-premise application. You will be able to perform modeling and simulation, verification and validation, requirement management in this all in one tool. A modern web browser can be used to create models, collaborate in real time, manage documents, and more. Requirements documents can be imported or created easily. All of your requirements can be edited, reviewed and analyzed. Your system can be verified and validated throughout the lifecycle with IV&V plans, test plans, and test processes. Your architecture can be developed in our DoDAF Dashboard and all your DoDAF 2.02 products can be managed easily.

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