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Inteum is an innovation management software that can be used by innovative organizations including tech transfer offices in research institutions, IP/licensing/alliance/contract departments at companies to create or manage intellectual property. The entire technology supply chain, from IP to monetization can be streamlined. The latest web frameworks are used, and it runs in any modern web browser, including mobile devices. You will find all features in Inteum that you need to protect, manage, and market your intellectual property assets. All the data fields you need to limit unnecessary navigation is present in responsive form layouts that save you time. You can start working on your mobile device in the field and pick it up later in any web browser at the office as it is cross-device and cross-browser compatible. You will be able to choose from 10 different languages with its one click localization option. A current language option can also be added or customized with the full content management system of Inteum. Any field label can be changed to fit your office language. Your own unique user defined fields can be added to further customize your system.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Inteum, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Inteum alternatives.