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IvyBackup is a backup tool for Windows that can be used by individual buyers and small businesses seeking a simple automated backup solution. Your backup tasks can be created and automated with more ease than ever before by using IvyBackup. A lot o time can be saved by automating backup compression, encryption, cloud storage uploads, and more. IvyBackup help keeping your data safe without worrying about data loss due to hard drive crashes, corrupt files or malware infections. An image of your entire hard drive can be created that includes your files, applications and operating system. A compressed zip file of your files and folders can also be created. An exact mirror copy of your files and folders can be created by using IvyBackup. A backup of any changes since the last full backup and backup of any changes since the last backup can be created. Your user interface can be customized by selecting from over 7 languages. Your backups can be uploaded to multiple remote storage destinations.

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If you are in search of alternatives to IvyBackup, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top IvyBackup alternatives.