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Jolt is a tablet based software that can be used by businesses who employ the deskless worker including employees from restaurants, theme parks, zoos and aquariums, car washes, dental and doctor's offices, and many more to manage their daily operations. A real time look can be provided at daily operations from their phone. It is also possible to keep staff accountable and on task with in-store tablets. A training library, drag-n-drop schedule builder, text notifications, a time clock, and more are included in the software. Team accountability and digital food safety compliance can be achieved as well as employee performance can be enhanced with Jolt. The Team Accountability helps achieve cleaner stores, faster service, and more consistent processes for restaurant owners. Restaurant owners will be able to serve hot, fresh food with quick temperature logs, automated temperature monitoring, and food and date labeling by the help of Digital Food Safety. The highest levels of employee performance can be achieved for friendly service and accurate orders with Jolt Employee Performance.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Jolt, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Jolt alternatives.