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KioWare is fully customizable kiosk software that can be used by retail, libraries, healthcare, banks, hospitality, & more. Browser lockdown security can be provided for those offering a self service or public access interactive device. It comes with a product line ranging from basic browser lockdown to server based remote monitoring. KioWare wrap around existing browser based applications, secure the OS and browser, and allow users to access only your application. KioWare allows kiosks to be configured to allow for end users to log in via Basic Authuntication with support for Basic Authentication. KioWare has software watchdog capabilities for applications where reliability is critical. The health of the KioWare executable will be constantly watched by the software watchdog and the KioWare executable will be restarted when necessary. Browsing Restrictions, Digital Signature, Mobile Device Management, Onsite Printing, Order Fulfillment, Remote Access/Control, Secure Browsing, Touch Screen, Usage Tracking/Analytics, Virtual Keyboard and Wireless Internet Access are some of the features of KioWare .

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