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Labiant is a cloud based process management and information system software that can be used by laboratories wiling to trade their spreadsheets with a secure solution or looking for an alternative to the strict processes you can found in LIMS. A comprehensive solution with features such as sample tracking, certificate of analysis, compliance follow-up, task assignment, client portal, equipment monitoring can be offered by this unique platform. Your laboratory data can be collected, tracked and visualized. Your lab processes management can be centralized. Everything you need to efficiently track your samples can be provided which help you save time. It can can help you modernize and automate laboratory and quality control processes. The entire life cycle of your samples on one single line can be managed and their status and progress can be tracked easily with a visual display of your information. You can keep a global view or target a specific sample with a barcode or any identifier.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Labiant, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Labiant alternatives.