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LanguageTool is a scalable spell and grammar check solution that can be used by people looking for spelling and grammar checking. It can be can be integrated into Microsoft Word for enhanced proofreading. It works as an intelligent writing assistant for all common browsers and word processors. Distraction-free writing experience, personal dictionary and quality scoring for your texts can be provided. Texts are securely stored and more suggestions can be accessed for advanced style and typography with the 'Picky Mode'. You can receive tips on how to improve your text including punctuation advice etc., while typing an e-mail, a blog post or a simple tweet. The language used by you can be automatically detected by the LanguageTool and suggestions can be provided. No text is stored by the browser add-on to respect your privacy. It can be integrated with your favorite office program. You can impress with clear, precise and stylistically correct writing by using LanguageTool.

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If you are in search of alternatives to LanguageTool, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top LanguageTool alternatives.