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LawToolBox serves as a cloud-based centralized deadline management system trusted by attorneys and paralegals. It calculates court rule-based deadlines according to the state and federal court rules of procedure for each state. Weekly "deadline" and "calendar reports" are emailed, allowing tracking by paralegal, attorney, client, department, or firm, with each deadline's status noted. Additionally, email reminders for each deadline are sent.

For instance, simply inputting a civil litigation trial date for CA Superior Court - LA County prompts automatic generation of a rule-based deadline chart from our system for comparison. LawToolBox offers software add-ins to seamlessly synchronize deadlines with Outlook, LexisNexis Time Matters, LexisNexis Firm Manager, and other platforms.

Furthermore, our system automatically updates when courts modify their rules. Attorneys and paralegals can access an online "history" to track edits to deadlines, while building custom deadline templates tailored to their practice areas. Contact us to request a price quote today!

Number Of Employee

10-100 Employees

Legal Status of Company

Privately Held

Year of Establishment


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