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Lightspeed Retail is a cloud based POS that simplifies day to day tasks so that you are free to focus on business growth and customer experience. Inventory management, employee management, sales reporting & accounting across locations and channels can be centralized. Your performance can be calucalted automatically using the analytics package. The performance of your inventory, employees and marketing can be seen easily at any time. It can be integrated with ECommerce to be more efficient in selling your products. Accounting, API, Barcode / Ticket Scanning, Barcoding/RFID, Cataloging/Categorization, Content Management, Credit Card Processing, CRM, Customer Database, Customer Management, Customization, Data Synchronization, Discount Management, Email Marketing and Employee Management are some of the features that can be included in Lightspeed Retail.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Lightspeed Retail, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Lightspeed Retail alternatives.

QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise

QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise