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Mattermost is an open source team communication platform that can be used by large enterprises to manage private/group chatting, share documents, videos/audio, or links and maintain contact directories. Enterprise-grade collaboration solutions can be provided for the worlds leading organizations on a vibrant open source platform. Secure, configurable, highly scalable messaging can be offered across web, mobile and PC with archiving, search, and deep integration across in-house systems by private, hybrid and public cloud solutions. It help you align your teams, processes and tools across each stage of the development lifecycle from plan and build to release and operate. Your team communication, task and project management, and workflow orchestration can be brought into one unified platform for digital operations. You will be able to collaborate outside of code whether you are planning sprints or managing incidents and support escalations with powerful features provided by the software. You can work the way you want with a rich ecosystem of community contributions and customization.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Mattermost, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Mattermost alternatives.