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Metatask is a business process management system that can be used by small and medium companies to manage all kinds of workflows and internal processes. You can take your department's productivity to the next level by automating all your operations. Any process in any department can be easily managed with Metatask. Custom workflows can be created with sophisticated forms, approvals, review cycles, tables, parallel tasks, conditions and many more advanced features. You reopen tasks and easily fix data entry mistakes with the agile features of Metatask. Any process can be defined as a simple list of tasks instead of complicated flowchart or BPMN diagram. Internal processes can be made available to the whole company. Chaos, endless email threads and paperwork can be reduced. You can get clear view on all active processes and track who is working on each task. You can also see what's on target and what's late. All the data, files and documents can be reviewed in one place. It is easy to start new processes for the whole team with directory of internal processes.

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