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mFax is a Fax Server Software that can be used by companies in regulated industries that requires a highly reliable GLBA, SOX, HIPAA and PCI compliant cloud solution with an easy to use and modern interface. It can be integrated seamlessly into existing apps and workflows and you will be able to fax from any device. It can be ensured that all of your data is secure both at rest and in transit with TLS 1.2 and AES 256 encryption. Industry leading deliverability rates can be enabled with Tier-1 Priority Delivery Network of mFax. Your information can be distributed simultaneously with proof of delivery to thousands of destinations. You will be able to communicate faster, easier and get better results by using mFax. All kinds of electronic addresses, including e-mail, fax and phone can be delivered at high volume with total reliability at lightning speed or at a specific time.

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If you are in search of alternatives to mFax, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top mFax alternatives.