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MOVEit is a File Sync Software that can be used by organizations to transfer large volumes of business files that contain sensitive or regulated data. Your most critical data as well as the resulting processes and workflows can be effectively secured, automated, managed and protected. All internal and external file and data interactions can be managed, provisioned and automated. Security policies and file expiration rules can be created and enforced. Privacy and confidentiality can be ensured as well as workflows and processes can be scheduled without any manual scripting. It has the the ability to provide people control to do their work without having to install a program on their PC. Deployment can be made easy or users by providing them access to the Web interface. Access Controls/Permissions Audit Management, Audit Trail, Compliance Tracking, Data Security, Document Management, Backup and Recovery, Collaboration Tools, Drag & Drop, Electronic Signature, Encryption, For Healthcare, HIPAA Compliant and ISO Compliance are some of the features of MOVEit.

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If you are in search of alternatives to MOVEit, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top MOVEit alternatives.