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Nightfall DLP is a cloud native data loss prevention (DLP) solution that can be used by companies, from SMB to enterprises to simplify data compliance in the cloud. More than 100 machine learning detectors are leveraged by Nightfall DLP to classify and protect critical data o business. Data across any app can be discovered, classified, and protected. PII, PCI, PHI, and other critical data of business can be discovered, classified, and protected using high accuracy machine learning based detectors. It can be seamlessly integrated with corporate SaaS and cloud infrastructure. Less time is required for identifying and responding to incidents as there will be high accuracy detection through deep learning & automated workflows. Compliance can be ensured with regulations like HIPAA, PCI, GDPR, CCPA, and more. Data compliance violations can be resolved in real time. Behavioral Analytics, Contextual Search, Data Dictionary Management, Application Security, False Positives Reduction, Incident Management, Policy Management, Sensitive Data Identification, Whitelisting/Blacklisting are some of the features of Nightfall DLP.

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