NovaCardio is a complete Cardiology PACS that is integrated into Enterprise Imaging.
Cardiologists are provided with an end-to-end solution in an user-driven workflow with NovaCardio. Specific tools for echocardiography, nuc med, ECGs, vascular ultrasound, and cardiac cath are integrated into a workflow. Apowerful suite of cardiology analysis tools and integrated viewers are included in it. It can be deployed as a standalone workstation with other cardiac modalities and DICOM-compliant PAC systems or used as an added module to your NovaPACS EI solution. It has full interoperability and integration with EHR or EMR. There is no need for cardiologists to operate and master multiple systems containing patient data by using NovaCardio.
Number Of Employee
>100 Employees
Legal Status of Company
Privately Held
If you are in search of alternatives to NovaCardio, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top NovaCardio alternatives.