Novade Lite
Novade Lite is a fast set up and easy-to-use app that can be used by Contractors, Builders and Service Providers to manage small to medium projects across multiple job sites. You can work faster, smarter, and safer with Novade Lite. You can access, upload and view your drawings on or off the field. All project status can be monitored in real time. Recording, reporting and retrieving can be made a breeze as you have all your photos, logs, site diaries and daily reports in a single place. Your jobs and work orders can be monitored by using tasks. You can also assign resources and get real visibility of your activities. You will always have the latest version in the palm of your hand with drawings version control. Documents such as specifications, method statements, supplies list can be shared. It keeps documentary evidence, warranties and site history. You can follow up corrective actions, risk assessments and observations. Data can be captured easily from the field from any mobile device.
If you are in search of alternatives to Novade Lite , you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Novade Lite alternatives.