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OpenCart is an open-source and easy to use ecommerce platform that is available in more than 40 languages and counting. Chinese, Japanese, Greek, and even right-to-left languages such as Arabic and Hebrew can be easily handled. More tan 13000 modules and themes are featured in the OpenCart marketplace to jump-start, grow and expand your business. Beautiful themes for just about any sector, service integrations, payment providers, shipping methods, social media, marketing, accounting, reporting, sales as well as language packs can be found. Multiple online stores can be managed from a single back-end with this open Source online store management program. Many professionally written extensions are available to customize the store to your needs. Products, customers, orders, taxes rules, coupon codes and more can be easily managed with powerful Store Management. A full overview of what is important can be provided with total orders, sales, customers, people online, sales analytics and many more widgets.

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