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Outbrain is an advanced native ads platform with highly focused audience targeting. The software can be used by online marketer for political campaign promotion. It is an excellent channel to add to the marketing mix for political campaigners. Precise audiences can be targeted by region, demographics and interests, facilitating more focused results. You can connect with consumers discovering content on the open web. You can grow your customer base with Outbrain recommendations, and increase visibility on the open web. Consumers can be engaged with new Smartads. You can also choose your buying platform. You can promote your Brand by building awareness, educating and influencing consumers in discovery mode. Your content can be discovered discovered to grow audience & improve web monetization. You can drive performance goals with fuel lower funnel conversions including purchases, App downloads, video views & more. Actual time updates and reporting can be enabled with easy to utilize user interface.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Outbrain, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Outbrain alternatives.