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Parting Pro is a Funeral Home Software that can be used by innovative funeral homes that want to give families an online experience without sacrificing the dignified touch of a funeral professional. You can grow and manage your cremation business by using Parting Pro. A modern, dignified experience can be provided to the families by innovative funeral homes. The sale can be captured after the initial call. Payments can be received and processed instantly. Your average contract total can be increased. More merchandise can be sold by Parting Pro customers with less effort. Processes can be streamlined and revenue can be increased. Cremation Management and Pre-Need Management are the features of Parting Pro. The team can manage their work much more easily and obtain payments more quickly with its intuitive visual layout. People will be able to arrange cremation and funerals, sign legal documents with ID verification and even collect and send payment easily.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Parting Pro, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Parting Pro alternatives.