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PartnerStack is a partner platform for SaaS that can be used by Mid-Market B2B SaaS companies with referral, affiliate, and other channel management needs, like reseller, ambassador, and other partner marketing. Customer referrals can be enhanced through an Advocacy Partner Program. Invites to your customers to the Advocate Portal can be easily automated where they can access referral links, assets, co-marketing and social syndication functionality. Powerful ambassador programs including Asana Ambassadors and the QuickBooks Ambassador program can be enabled to empower the advocates with the tools they need to refer their wide network to your product. It is chosen by the fastest growing SaaS companies to scale their programs into major revenue channels.

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If you are in search of alternatives to PartnerStack, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top PartnerStack alternatives.