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PatternSmith is an on-premise apparel management tool that provides templates, 2D or 3D drafting, editing, and nesting solutions for apparel businesses. Patterns can be created as well as nesting, drafting and editing tools can be optimized for businesses in fashion sector by using this customizable clothing solution. Industry-leading pattern drafting, editing, nesting, and machine control capabilities can be provided. You will be able to organize and nest patterns, import files from other systems and export files to your cutting machine by this 2D drafting system. Imported patterns can be optimized for smooth and fast cutting. Your workflow can be improved with these easy to use, time saving extensions for PatternSmith. Custom sized patterns can be created by entering a few finished dimensions for your product. The perimeter and flaws of graded leather hides can be quickly and accurately captured by HideShot. Manual nesting is allowed within the captured perimeter and around any flaws, saving a huge amount of time.

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