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A few years ago, Eric, our Co-Founder and CEO, received a frustrated call from his dad. Despite having numerous satisfied customers at his tire shop, only a handful were leaving reviews. In response, we developed a product that simplifies the process of garnering more reviews through a straightforward text message.

Launched in 2014, our initial goal was to address this challenge for local businesses universally. However, we soon realized that communicating with customers via messaging was not just a superior way to secure reviews; it's the more effective approach to conducting business. Subsequently, we expanded our platform into a multi-product suite, revolutionizing the way local businesses operate.

Our mission is to equip local businesses with the tools they need for success. From effortlessly obtaining more reviews and streamlining payment collections to executing text marketing campaigns and centralizing communications, everything you require is available on our user-friendly platform.

Number Of Employee

>100 Employees

Legal Status of Company

Privately Held

Year of Establishment


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