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PostScan Mail is a Mailroom management solution that can be used by businesses to scan, upload, and send envelopes, packages, magazines, and postcards to customers. Virtual mailbox services can be offered to your customers by using PostScan Mail. The software can be used by businesses of all sizes and individuals who wish to digitize postal mail service experience as well as automate mailrooms by mail scanning, forwarding, storage, and shredding. The software can be used to scan and upload mail, packages, magazines and postcards to the cloud. Your mail items are scanned and uploaded to your online mailbox account once received. You can decide to either open & scan, forward or recycle your unwanted junk mail after viewing your mail items online. A robust digital mailroom system can be offered that is fast, easy-to-use and fully responsive. The front of your mail items are quickly scanned and make them available to you online.

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If you are in search of alternatives to PostScan Mail, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top PostScan Mail alternatives.