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Projul is an all in one construction management software that can be used by small to medium sized construction company or contractor looking to streamline operations all in one place. It is best for companies that want their sales and project management tools all in one place. Estimates, payment processing, invoices, schedules, time tracking, CRM / lead pipeline, job costing, tasks, photo & file management, live maps, reports, revenue projects, quickbooks sync and more can be provided. Estimates and invoices can be created and send easily. Your profit margins can be protected with easy to use change orders. You can get all your pictures and project information into one place. It keeps a track of clients, documents, projects, photos & files, schedules, deadlines, and employees in outdated systems and spreadsheets is for the birds. Estimate templates can be created to allow your team to apply, adjust, and send in minutes instead of hours.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Projul, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Projul alternatives.