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ProLaw is the legal practice management software that can be used by law firms to help manage and maintain client records, litigation history, cases/documents, billing operations, and more. Your team can deliver premier client service by using ProLaw as it connects your entire organization. ProLaw helps simplify your practice while enhancing productivity firm-wide by combining client and matter management, docketing, time entry, billing, and accounting. It can be used for document management, case management and deadline management. Accounting, Billing & Invoicing, Calendar Management, Calendar/Reminder System, Case Management, Case Notes, Client Management, Client Portal, Conflict Management, Contract/License Management, CRM, Docket Management, Document Management, Email Management and Legal Case Management are some of the features of ProLaw.

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If you are in search of alternatives to ProLaw, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top ProLaw alternatives.