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PSTrax is a narcotics tracking solution that can be used by First Responders including Fire, EMS, Police Agencies for operations checks and logistics management. strategic objectives like risk mitigation, operational efficiency, and cost reduction can be achieved by using PSTrax. Every vial hand off such as arriving/departing checks, usage checks, restocks, and inventory checks can be tracked by the Controlled Substance module. All of these checks can be consolidated into one program that schedules, tracks, and documents everything digitally. Alert can be seen that are set, and ask questions right away instead of tracking down a paper. All your documents are stored in one place or quick reporting. The system is custom build and has many features to meet the needs of your department. The access to videos and documents for each specific function is very easy. Compliance Management, Customizable Forms, Daily Reports, Document Management, Electronic Signature, Equipment Tracking, Event Calendar, Facility Management, Fleet Management, Incident Response Checklists and Inspection Management are some o the features of PSTrax.

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If you are in search of alternatives to PSTrax, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top PSTrax alternatives.