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Rescue Hub is an online software platform that can be used by any department that wants to track/deliver training to their members. A mix of email, YouTube, Dropbox, and 3 ring binders full of paper can be replaced by Rescue Hub. All of your skill verification sheets, paper rosters and training documents can be put on your own private training site, that is accessible to your personnel with a smart phone or tablet. Tools are provided by Rescue Hub to assign and schedule training, manage task books, create your own online training, track progress towards meeting training requirements and host your own training videos in one place. Rescue Hub can be used to deliver track attendance, fire service training and manage training requirements, in one place. Redundant data entry can be reduced as well as Excel spreadsheets, paper sign in sheets and training binders can be consolidated into one system.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Rescue Hub, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Rescue Hub alternatives.