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Resolver is an Investigations & Case Management software that can be used by a number of industries and business needs including financial institutions, healthcare, academic institutions, utilities, manufacturers, hospitality, high tech, retail & more. You will be able to collect incident and investigation summaries, interviews, evidence, relevant documents, links and more, in one centralized location. Investigator workloads can be efficiently managed with a clear view into which cases they are assigned to, how many cases are open, and how long they have been active. Your team will be able to mitigate future investigations and protect your organization from risks as they have the insight they need with this data. A clear picture of their risk can be provided to the enterprises, enabling them to make quick and effective decisions to move their business forward and grow faster while ensuring their people and assets are protected. The security and risk departments of your organization can be empowered to be proactive and preventative with AI-enabled security management tool of Resolver.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Resolver, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Resolver alternatives.