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RhinoFit is a gym management software that can be used by all types of gyms, boot-camps, and fitness studios to streamline their operation without paying much. Scheduling, 24-hour access to gym, reporting, member check-ins, workout benchmarks and more can be provided by the software. Your clients and the daily gym operation can be managed very easily with RhinoFit. It is is easy to set-up and use. Payment processing as well as communication can be automatically handled. Application Management, Attendance Management, Attendance Tracking, Belt Ranking Classification, Billing & Invoicing, Class Management, Contract/License Management, Dues Management, Email Marketing, Employee Management are some of the features of RhinoFit.

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If you are in search of alternatives to RhinoFit, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top RhinoFit alternatives.