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RoomRaccoon is an innovative all-in-one Hotel Management System that can be used by independent hotels, B&Bs, hostels, apartments and vacation rentals.

A property management system, booking engine, channel manager, and payment platform  can be accessed in one place by the hoteliers with RoomRaccoon. Housekeeping management, revenue management, automated upselling, online check-in and more can also be included. More than 400 integrations with business solutions such as Lightspeed, Sage, and Expedia are offered by RoomRaccoon. It can be seamlessly integrated with Outlook Calendar to simplify meeting bookings. Your front desk administration can be automated and your back office operations can be controlled with the Property Management System provided by RoomRaccoon.

Number Of Employee

>100 Employees

Legal Status of Company

Privately Held

Year of Establishment


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