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Service Assistant is a Lawn Care Software that can be used by companies of all sizes including start-ups, small businesses, mid-size and large franchises. Your company can become more efficient and grow with greater ease as you can manage day-to-day business, client appointment scheduling, technician routing, payment processing and more. A comprehensive software and supplemental assistance can be offered that can be used by all service industry businesses including customer relationship (CRM), estimation, fleet management, mobile, referral, customer portal, automated and digital marketing, printing, storage, web and more. Your Service operations can be optimized, costs can be reduced and productivity can be improved. Job Status, Quotations, Parts, Inventory, AMCs, Service Reports, Invoices, and Feedback can be easily scheduled and tracked. Your workforce can be managed effectively with real time communication and change management. Customer History, Customer Management, Dispatch Management, Employee Management and Fleet Management are some o the features of Service Assistant.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Service Assistant, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Service Assistant alternatives.