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Setyl is a SaaS Management Software that is suitable for companies with more than 80 employees. It enable them to manage IT assets, software licenses and technology spend from one intuitive platform. You can regain control of your technology with Setyl. Setyl is an alternative to shared folders and spreadsheets. An accessible, scalable and auditable IT management solution can be provided that gives individuals and teams visibility and control over their company's SaaS subscriptions, licenses and hardware. Savings, shadow IT and SaaS sign-ons can be identified. Your assets can be tracked and you can ease the on and offboarding process. All types of IT equipment, from USB cables to network servers can be logged. The compact and highly durable asset labels of Setyl can be attached to any kind of device. You can seamlessly link your tagged equipment to their online profiles with the unique QR code and serial number of each label.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Setyl, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Setyl alternatives.