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ShieldRisk is an Artificial Intelligent powered platform that can be used by enterprise to small businesses engaging vendors and service providers facing challenges in vendor assessment and risk analysis. The platform is a single, unified platform, that help execute vendor audits on global security and regulatory framework including NIST, HIPAA, GDPR, ISO 27001, COPPA, CCPA, SOC 1, SOC 2. The analysis of auditing and advisory functions can be enabled. Time savings, faster data analysis, increased levels of accuracy, more in-depth insight into vendor security posture can be involved. Quick data analysis can be ensured as well as time and effort can be saved. Audit Management, Key Risk Indicator Dashboard, Security Risk & Gap Analysis, Compliance Management, Due Diligence Vendor Compliance, Third-party Vendor Assessment & Audit Vendor can be provided in this end-to-end Risk Assessment Platform. The platform is compliant with GDPR regulatory framework

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