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Silverfort's platform stands out for its intentional approach. Silverfort's goes beyond the conventional by seamlessly extending modern identity security measures to every nook and cranny of an enterprise—whether it be on-premises or in the cloud. It effortlessly protects systems that have proven elusive for other solutions, providing users with a robust and instantaneous defense mechanism. The suite of security controls includes Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR), Identity Security Posture Management (ISPM), and real-time protection for privileged users and service accounts, which are often prime targets for attackers. By implementing these controls universally, even on assets previously deemed unprotectable, Silverfort empowers customers to thwart identity-based attacks comprehensively, including those orchestrated by some of today's most formidable threat actors. This holistic approach not only fortifies security but also ensures compliance with regulations and meets the stringent requirements of cyber insurance, making Silverfort a leader in the realm of identity security.

Number Of Employee

>100 Employees

Legal Status of Company

Privately Held

Year of Establishment


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