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SmartDeploys is an endpoint management solutions that can be used by IT teams managing 50 to 50,000 Windows machines. IT can achieve centralized, single-image management to support 50 to 50,000 endpoints with a flexible layered architecture. Progressive solutions like SCCM, centralized solutions like VDI and legacy imaging solutions like Ghost can be combined with the technology, without any common drawbacks. An image can be deployed across various machines despite hardware or driver differences. Lots o time can be saved by making one image for different brands of machines. An extraordinary UI contrasted with other imaging arrangements are provided. Pictures can be imported and answer documents can be made utilizing the implicit wizards. You will be able to set up custom or unattended organizations and reimage PCs distantly. Driver packs are refreshed routinely. So, a ton of time can be saved as you don't need to find and import them all physically.

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