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Spare is a SaaS solutions that can be used by public and private on-demand transportation providers such as public transit agencies, taxi/ride-hailing/TNCs, corporates and universities that offer microtransit, paratransit and NEMT services. Transit agencies and transportation providers can automate their entire microtransit, paratransit and NEMT on-demand systems. Trips by pooling riders can be optimized across different service categories onto the same vehicle, resulting in cost efficiencies that can be reinvested. Providers will be able to optionally engage third-party fleets like taxis. Riders can be connected to accessible, multi-modal transportation at the click of a button. Your operating costs can be lowered by consolidating your fleets and services. Your rider experience and service can be personalized with customizable configurations. Your on-demand mobility can be integrated into almost any platform with Spare Open API. You can provide paratransit to more people at a lower total cost by taking advantage of commingling, pooling efficiency, predicted demand dispatching and automated trip brokering.

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