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SugarSync is a secure cloud storage solution that can be used by organizations of any size to easily access, sync, back up, and share documents, photos, music, videos and more across any device. Your files can be synced and securely accessed from the cloud in seconds. Your documents can be saved, viewed and edited across multiple devices. Your files can be managed and shared the way you want. You have complete control over the way you share your files. You just need to simply right click on any folder to add it to SugarSync and then, any changes you make are instantly applied across all your devices through the cloud. All synchronized files can be easily removed from any PC or Mac in case it is lost or theft. It can be seamlessly synced to a new replacement device as the data remains in the cloud. SugarSync can be used on your Android devices or iOS to access, share and edit your files from anywhere, anytime.

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If you are in search of alternatives to SugarSync, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top SugarSync alternatives.