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Swell is a reputation management platform that can be used by businesses with physical locations including Healthcare, Retail, Service, and Hospitality Industries. It helps local businesses that offer some type of reviewable service to get new customers and upgrades their customer engagement with personalized automation. Swell can help prospects find your business through online reviews, rank higher in search results, and modernizes the way businesses communicate by converting website visitors into customers. The preferred communication method of SMS messaging of customer can be optimized which turn customer interactions into revenue. Positive online reviews can be generated that will boost your search rankings and also help more people find their way to your business. New customer can be gained by quickly engaging and serving potential customers through their preferred means. You can keep the energy going by checking in with customers and continuously improving. An awesome experience can be maintained, as well as more customers can be retained.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Swell, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Swell alternatives.