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Synup is a Social Media Management software that is used to transforms the online presence of brands with a three-pronged approach including local listings, reputation management, and social media management. 

Brands can deliver relevant and trustworthy business content across all media channels and locations in one holistic dashboard with Synup. Brands can manage and optimize all of the listings and content of their business locations while improving their online reviews, rankings, and engagement. Any and all online profiles and platforms can be turned into marketing channels to drive ROI with Synup.

Your business profiles can be listed, optimized, and managed on Google, Facebook, Yelp, and all premium partner sites. Listings consistency can be managed across search, local, voice, social and more. You can keep track of your listings analytics and performance as well as control what is being displayed on your most prominent listings. Businesses can continuously transform their new customer acquisition, local brand awareness, and sales results.

Social post creating, publishing, and engagement tracking for all marketers can be simplified with this AI-Assisted Social Media Management platform to boost their brand presence. The social features of Synup is an intuitive content calendar, where you easily schedule posts across channels and locations.

Number Of Employee

>100 Employees

Legal Status of Company

Privately Held

Year of Establishment


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