TGNDATA is a dedicated Premium Data Services firm that is trusted by recognized Retailers & powerful Brands worldwide because of its long experience in Premium Price Intelligence in such volume needs. You find the perfect price at the perfect time based on real data with Price monitoring. Your conversion rate can be improved by increasing your sales and margins and attracting new customers. Automated Product Matching is included in all contracts. Any direct competitor web shop can be requested and monitored. It can be connected with all major ERP-BI systems (SAP, SalesForce, PriceFx, Qlik etc). Price Discrimination can be identified based on location. There is no Geographical restrictions. Real time analytics console is included. Ad hoc Reporting, Alerts/Notifications, API, Benchmarking, Competitive Analysis, Competitor Price Tracking, Dashboard, Data Import/Export, Data Visualization, Key Performance Indicators, Machine Learning, Market Data Analysis, Monitoring, Multi-Store and Price List Management are some of the features that can be included in TGNDATA.
If you are in search of alternatives to TGNDATA, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top TGNDATA alternatives.