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Tix is a Festival Management Software that can be used by small to large venues, promoters, and event organizers to make their event successful. Features like integrated e-mail marketing tools, social distancing seat maps, timed admissions, donations, up-selling, season ticket renewals, custom branding, web site integration and more can be included in the software. The software is flexible, accurate, and extremely helpful to make the ticketing successful. It is user friendly, reports can be customized and access can be provided to everything you need to create events. Attendee Management, Barcode / Ticket Scanning, Conferences/Conventions, Confirmation/Reminders, CRM, Customer Data Management, Discount Management, Employee Management, Event Calendar, Guest Accreditation, Kiosk Ticketing, Marketing Automation and Mobile Ticketing are the main features of Tix.

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If you are in search of alternatives to Tix, you will find numerous options in the market. To assist you in selecting the most suitable software, we have compiled a list of the top Tix alternatives.

Purplepass Ticketing

Purplepass Ticketing